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Holy Week Moment - Tuesday April 7, 2020

“…For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.” Matthew 25:35

The COVID-19 virus may interrupt worship in Church, but it must not interrupt our efforts to be the Church where there is need. Late last week it was learned that the shelves at Meals by Grace—a community food ministry—were nearly empty as a result of the pandemic.

This ministry has been supported by DCSPC for many years. They have the ability to purchase surplus food for $0.16 a pound to provide for those in need. When the session was informed of the empty shelves, they immediately approved a $350.00 donation (2100+ pounds). That was followed by a $300 donation (1800+ pounds) from the DCSPC Presbyterian Women and soon thereafter some individual donations from church members and friends raised another $400 (2500+ pounds)!

6500+ pounds will fill a lot of empty shelves! And that's our Holy Week moment for Tuesday!

~Rev. Sid

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