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Deer Creek Shores Presbyterian Church
“O sing unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvelous things.” Psalm 98:1​​
The hymns, psalms and spiritual songs that the Church sings express the heart of the church’s ministry through music. Over the years we have sung the songs of our faith in Sunday School, church social occasions, church camps, retreats and in private devotions, and of course, week by week in our Services of Worship. The hymns and songs sung by the congregation gathered to worship, should best reflect our Presbyterian and Reformed understanding of God, and of God’s loving purposes in the world. To this end it is essential that the hymns and songs included in any hymnal present a sound theology, be informed by scripture, be grounded in historical context and tradition, at the same time as helping us reflect upon today’s world, our ever-changing mission field.
This past Fall our Worship Committee, and Session each reviewed and discussed the adoption of the current Presbyterian Hymnal – “Glory to God” on two occasions, and in December the Session voted to adopt the “Glory to God” Hymnal. Pastor Jim Simpson, and Director of Music, Sudie LaPlue, were fully included in this process of discernment.
“Glory to God – The Presbyterian Hymnal” was initially published in 2013 and is now widely used in most congregations and all entities of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Our congregation has had only three hymnals since our founding in 1967. The red Hymnbook (Published 1955), the blue Presbyterian Hymnal (Published 1990, introduced at DCS around 1999), both published by the denomination, and our current non-denominational “Celebration Hymnal” (Published 1997, and introduced at DCS around 2004).
Think of how much our world HAD changed and IS changing and as we move into 2025. The adoption of “Glory to God – The Presbyterian Hymnal” will be an important tool to help keep our appreciation of the Good News of God’s love for the world, relevant for today, and tomorrow.
The pew edition contains 853 hymns, songs, and spiritual songs, along with forty-eight pages of liturgical material (orders of service for daily worship and a service of word and table, with options for prayers, sung responses, and responsive readings), worship texts such as the Lord’s Prayer and Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed, and A Brief Statement of Faith. Appendixes cover the theology and language of the collection, and eight different indexes.
The pew edition is available in either of two colors, red or purple, - we intend to order the red version to match the Sanctuary’s color scheme, and it comes stamped with the Presbyterian seal on the spine. The red version has gold foil on the cover. There are 1024 pages. The hymnal weighs 2 pounds, 3.5 ounces, making it slightly lighter (and thinner) than the 1990 hymnal. It will fit easily into existing pew racks! Each copy of the pew edition currently costs $25.
Over 65% of the blue 1990 hymnal is carrying forward, from old standards to “new” favorites (like Here I Am, Lord; Lord of the Dance; God of the Sparrow; Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore; Lift High the Cross).
A number of old favorites from the 1955 “red” hymnal are making a come-back, including
such beloved “heart songs” as:
• Be Still, My Soul
• (God Himself Is With Us, also in 1975, as God, Reveal Your Presence)
• I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
• I Love to Tell the Story
• I Need Thee Every Hour
• Jesus Calls Us, O’er the Tumult (also in 1975)
• Judge Eternal, Throned in Splendor (also in 1975)
• Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me
• Sometimes a Light Surprises
• We Praise Thee/You O God, Our Redeemer, Creator (also in 1975)
and some “golden oldies” NEVER or RARELY before in Presbyterian hymnal
• Shall We Gather at the River (only 1874)
• His Eye Is on the Sparrow
• It Is Well with My Soul
• Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
• Softly and Tenderly, Jesus Is Calling
• Standing on the Promises
“Glory to God – The Presbyterian Hymnal” also contains modern hymns from various places and traditions (e.g. The Iona Community; The Taize Community, and the world church), and new relevant texts set to well-known and much-loved tunes, that connect to all it means to worship and serve God and our neighbors, in the world of today.
As was done when the three previous hymnals were introduced at Deer Creek Shores, members and friends of the congregation will have the opportunity to gift one or more hymnals in memory, honor or celebration of individuals, families and loved ones. Bookplates for these gifted and dedicated hymnals will be placed on the inside front cover.
Once sufficient gifts have been received the actual order will be placed with the Publishers and further gift donations will continue to be received and honored.
Following the dedication and introduction of “Glory to God” we will review the dedication plates on the current hymnals, and, as best we can, contact the relevant individuals or families asking if they would like to pick up copies of their gifted hymnals, according to a schedule to be developed and announced.
From Jim Simpson, Pastor: “Since its publication in 2013 “Glory to God” – The Presbyterian Hymnal has enlivened and delighted all the congregations within which it has been used, with whom I have served. The use of this hymnal has increasingly become an important marker of our commitment to be God’s people in service in today’s world. As you already know, I love to sing, and “Glory to God” will be a great resource for our congregation as we seek to reach out into our community united by our passionate, thoughtful, imaginative, musical, Reformed approach to the worship of Almighty God!”
From Sudie LaPlue, Director of Music: In the “Glory to God” hymnal, there are hymns from before the ninth century a.d. to the present century. I love this hymnal because it includes our historical perfect hymns and new ones we have not heard before with different melodies, and they are all beautiful! “Glory to God” is wonderful for the organ and piano. I love the variety!
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