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A Brief History Of Our Church


With the rapid growth in our community and the changes in American culture, it's easy to feel rootless, lost in the crowd, or insignificant.  Despite our diverse backgrounds, we all have similar needs.  We want to be accepted, feel we belong, and find purpose in life.


These are precisely the gifts that Jesus Christ extends to us.  We think you will find the church you are looking for at Deer Creek.  We see our purpose as teaching God's love, and reaching out to those in need in Forsyth County and beyond.  At Deer Creek you will find a wide range of opportunities for worship, learning, service and fellowship.


Deer Creek Shores Presbyterian was the first Presbyterian church established in Forsyth County and has grown with the community since its first worship service was held June 25, 1967.  The present sanctuary, the church school and offices were built in 1983.


Deer Creek Shores is a member of the Cherokee Presbytery, PC USA.

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