I have not always sat behind the pulpit. For the first half of my life I sat in the pew like you. After becoming a Presbyterian, I was fortunate enough to have an outstanding Preacher , Dr Tom Are, Sr in the pulpit . I can only wish to have his preaching skills. I still remember many of his sermons, especially his stewardship sermons! On one occasion I remember his challenge to the congregation to be involved in the Church’s mission and ministry. And I quote, “ I want you folks to get up off your lazy pews and do some work around here!” Of course he was just being funny— I think! Of course things were different then.There was no Covit 19. There was no social distancing . And yet, I believe it is still possible to offer you the same challenge — “...to get off your lazy pews and do some work around here!”. So here is my “To Do List” even though you haven’t. Been in the pews lately! 1.Check in with at least three folks to say , “How ya doing—I have been missing you!” 2.Call Ken Terry and find out how you can join the Zoom Adult Sunday School class from the comfort of your home. 3. Be sure to send in your Tithes and Offerings electronically or by mail. 4.Call , text or email me your prayer requests before Sunday. 5. Invite a neighbor or friend to join our virtual worship service at 11 am on Sunday. 6.And, most importantly, please Pray for all the folks who are on the front lines fighting the pandemic. May God bless you always and in all ways,
Rev. Sid