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Mid-Week Manna 2/27/20

Friends, I am going on a journey, and you are invited to come along! The journey will begin this Sunday, the first of Lent, and will conclude on Palm Sunday when we will end our journey with Jesus in Jerusalem. Along the way we will meet some of the folks that Jesus encountered on his final journey to Jerusalem and the cross.

Below you will find our travel schedule, including the scriptures which tell the story of each encounter. It all begins at Luke 9:51. I hope that during Lent you will prayerfully reread these passages, and that you will join us each Sunday as we journey to Jerusalem, and prepare to celebrate the good news that Christ Has Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

In His Service,


Travel Schedule

March 1 Faces Along The Way - The Reluctant Followers Luke 9:51-62

March 8 Faces Along The Way - The Multitude Matthew 8:18-22

March 15 Faces Along The Way - Mary and Martha Luke 10:36-42

March 22 Faces Along The Way - The Children Luke 18:15-17

March 29 Faces Along The Way – Zaccheaus Luke 19:1-10

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