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Dear Deer Creek Family,

After 39 years as a minister of the Word and Sacraments, I thought I had seen everything at least once…and then there was the Coronavirus!

Thanks be to God, there have been times of great joy—baptisms, wedding, new babies, and old and new friends.  I have had the honor of claiming God’s promise of life eternal and abundant for many saints of the faith and celebrating with both youth and adults as they claimed their personal relationship with Christ and His church.

I have had the privilege of proclaiming the Word and Sacraments with over two dozen congregations. As best I recall, the largest was over 600 worshippers, and the smallest was six!

However, this coming Sunday, and probably for several to follow, I will be preaching and praying in an empty sanctuary.  I am sure you understand why this is necessary as we seek to stop the spread of this deadly virus.  Although we will not be able to be together in the same space, I am excited to share with you through social media, such as Facebook Live, and on our website a worship experience at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday morning or at another time that works best for you each week.

Hopefully, in the next couple of days we will be sharing with you details needed to make this happen.  Meanwhile, if you need help with food, transportation, or pastoral care, the church is only a phone call away. Janice will continue to answer the phone and return calls from the church.  You may also reach out to one of our Elders or to me (678)557-0432 or

Together, with God’s help, we will get through this crisis.  Please pray for one another, our church, our country and our world.  Until we are able to gather as a community of faith, may God bless you always and in all ways.

In His Service,


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